


Download latest release here

python setup.py install

Basic Example

The package is easy to use. Load the module, select a preset, and it’s good to go.

import barnacle #import module

bar = barnacle.random() #either initialize bar object with a random animation
bar = barnacle.load('zombie') #or with a specific preset (see docs for full list)

for i in range(0, 101): #whatever loop you run
        bar.draw(i, 100) #give it current step, total steps, and the bar draws itself.
        #some time consuming task here

draw expects two arguments:

  • currentstep: The current step that needs to be drawn
  • totalsteps: The total steps expected to be taken

Alternatively you can also get the bar as a string, in case you want more control:

for i in range(0, 101): #whatever loop you run
        bar_string = bar.update_bar(i, 100) #give it current step, total steps, and the bar draws itself.
        #now you are free to do anything you want with the string object, print it, eat it, cook it, whatever!

        #some time consuming task here

Keras Plugin

Barnacle started off as a Keras plugin to make my long model fitting hours more bearable. This functionality is still available. Usage is also simple:

import keras #import keras first
from barnacle import barnacle_keras #import barnacle keras plugin

#you can select a preset and mode
barnacle_keras.Progbar.preset = 'tableflip' #see docs for full list of presets, 'random' for random
barnacle_keras.Progbar.random = True #whether to select a random progress bar every epoch

#override Keras progbar class in memory
keras.callbacks.Progbar = barnacle_keras.Progbar

#build your model and fit as you usually would


Find out what presets are available:

import barnacle
#what presets are included?